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    Fan Zo
  • Professor of Life at Eylnaye
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Table of Contents




吃飯時先吃蔬菜,再吃魚、肉。蔬菜部分,從海藻類先吃,因為富含食物纖維,需要時間消化,不但血糖值不易升高,也因為細細咀嚼食物纖維的緣故,很快就能得到飽足感。 先吃熱量較低的蔬菜或湯品填飽肚子,能夠減少吃下肚的主菜或主食的量,也能減少攝取的總熱量。如果吃蔬菜、魚、肉就能夠填飽肚子,就不會想吃屬於醣類的米飯或麵包。即使吃的內容一樣,透過遵守吃的順序,可以抑制血糖的急速上升,也能遠離肥胖的原因。 如前面所介紹,完全不需要忍住想吃喜歡食物的念頭,只要吃的方式對了,就能夠控制血糖值。 攝取醣類也無妨,總之就是注意吃的量與頻率、吃的順序,有所節制就好。.

【PART 1】瘦身要從設定目標開始

Next, we’ll explore different types of lists, including ordered and unordered lists.

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
    • Subitem A
    • Subitem B
  3. Item 3

Code Wizardry

Inline Code

Witness the power of inline code with a simple JavaScript snippet: const message = "Hello, ChatGPT!".

Code Blocks Galore

Now, brace yourself for a barrage of code blocks! Let’s include examples in JavaScript, Python, and even HTML.

// JavaScript magic with ChatGPT
const chatbot = new ChatGPT();
const userInput = getUserInput();
const response = chatbot.generateResponse(userInput);
# Python sorcery with ChatGPT
def generate_response(user_input):
    chatbot = ChatGPT()
    response = chatbot.generate_response(user_input)
    return response

user_input = get_user_input()
response = generate_response(user_input)
<!-- HTML enchantment with ChatGPT -->
  <h1>Hello, ChatGPT!</h1>
  <p>Unleashing the power of AI in HTML.</p>

AI Wonderland

Natural Language Processing

Delve into the wonders of natural language processing (NLP) and how ChatGPT excels in understanding and generating human-like text.

AI Applications

Explore real-world applications of ChatGPT in artificial intelligence, from chatbots to content creation.

Feel free to experiment with this template and adapt it to suit your unique content and interests!

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