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Two columns layout with cover

Two columns layout with cover

This is a two columns layout with a cover image. The cover image is set in the frontmatter of the markdown file.

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    Fan Zo
  • Professor of Life at Eylnaye
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This is a two columns layout with a cover image. The cover image is set in the frontmatter of the markdown file.

The cover image is displayed on the top of the page, and the content is displayed in two columns.

The cover image is responsive and will adapt to the screen size.

To use it, set the postLayout frontmatter to column and add a cover field with the path to the image. Or leave postLayout empty and add a cover field with the path to the image.

title: Two columns layout with cover
postLayout: column // or leave it empty
date: '2024-02-12'
cover: '@/assets/og-image.png'
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